Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Celebrating 12 Months of Index Investing – Free Book Giveaway

I have moved! All present and future blog content have been migrated over to The Turtle Investor. All content on this blog will still be kept here, just that most updates will now go to my new blog instead.

The new website will contain content from my blogs relating to investment, personal finance as well as alternative income. See you there!

- The Turtle Investor @

To get a chance to win Free Book Giveaway (click here), please visit my new blog =)


  1. In your new site, are you going to record the prices you bought the etf at?

    1. Yeah, I intend to continue doing so at the new site. Not gonna require much effort anyway. Perhaps I'll post an end-of-year summary as well =)

  2. i see (= just saw them on the right side-bar. couldn't see them when i was using my mobile device. cheers, keep up the good work you're doing!

    1. Thanks! Just curious - how does my ETF purchase log actually help you? My initial reason for posting it was meant for myself to keep track of my ETF buys.


    2. nothing much actually, just informative to have a whole overview of the whole year, and interesting to see you buy extra when the price dips.
